
What to Say to a Woman After Having Sex – Make Her Love You Right Away!

After having sex with a woman, there are always times afterwards where basking in one another’s presence is nice, but sometimes, you wish that you could be a little more seductive and talk dirty in bed. Unfortunately, most women (as well as men) are really shy about such issues. Sometimes, it’s because they don’t know how, or they’re just worried about embarrassing themselves. Fortunately, for you, there are ways to help you out. If you know what to say to a woman after having sex, you’ll be able to make her fall in love with you in no time.

What to Say “To Her After You’re done doing the Deed”

There are actually some basic sayings that you should learn if you want a woman to fall in love with you. One of them is that, you didn’t just have sex with her, you’ve done it with her. Another is that, you had nothing to say to her, because you’re a total stranger.  When you finish making love with a woman after having sex with her, you should say something like, “It was nice, but I should have done something about this instead of having sex with you.”

You see, when you say this, you can make a woman think of two different things: 1) That you’re still truly amazed that she’s still allowed to talk (which is the actual meaning of the sentence) and 2) That you’re trying to get rid of her because you don’t want her around (which is the comment she’ll be making to her friends for sure.)

What To Say to a Woman After Sex

All you need to say is: “Hey, I’ll still do it with you, just not this way.” You see, women read this very same text exactly like you do. If you don’t say anything, she’ll assume that you’re weird and that you don’t really listen to her. And if she thinks you don’t really listen to her, that’s bad news for both of you.

Because you don’t know what to say, you have to make her ask. Because you’re not talking, she won’t know what to say. So let’s say that you’re both lying there in bed and you haven’t said a word to each other yet. What do you do?

Sometime you’ll say something like, “Hey, what’s up? I’m trying to be friends with your kind person. What kind of person is that?”

The kind of person you choose to be friends with is totally up to you. However, if you feel like keeping up the friendship conversation, you have to come up with a response that’s honest and concise. For instance, you can answer, “I’m kind of sad that we’re not having sex yet, but we do spend time together.”

Then, she can say, “That’s really cool. I really like that.”

You’re looking for a response such as, “That’s cool. We used to do a lot of fun and sex when I first met you.” If she gives you a yes, she’s keeping the conversation going. If she gives you a no, she’s not, and you should move on.

When you’re talking to a woman who’s currently not in the “sex yet” category, you’re far more likely to come up with the following conversation:

Her: “I’m kind of having an idea. How about we hook up and have sex?”

You: “That’s…kind of…way cool. But I don’t know if I should bring that up with you.”

This, of course, is a very different line than the one above, and it’s one you’ll want to use. Because if she were to say that to you, it would be very likely to turn you off, sexually.

The reason I suggest you wait to make your move until the time is right is that she has likely given you enough signals that you should go in for the kill. That doesn’t mean she will automatically go to bed with you when you ask, but I can’t imagine you waiting too long to make your move.

tidy up your act, please her emotionally

Tell her you’d like to have sex with her (and no, she doesn’t have to reply to that)

Re-enforce that she was very sexy when you met (and no, she doesn’t have to tell you that you’re still sexy)